Silence never made history … It’s time for a Voice to Parliament

Co-Chairs Professor Megan Davis and Pat Anderson AO with Uluru Dialogue members and supporters on Referendum eve. (Image credit: Ben Fry / The Uluru Dialogue)
The following statement is attributable to Professor Megan Davis on behalf of The Uluru Dialogue:
“With just one day to go before Referendum day, we know all Australians are tired.
“We’re tired of the conflict. We’re tired of the division, the spin and the confusion that has been stoked by the NO campaign.
“We know Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians alike are looking for a way forward.

Uluru Dialogue leaders Professor Megan Davis, Roy Ah-See and Pat Anderson AO address the media after pre-poll voting on Friday. (Image credit: Ben Fry / The Uluru Dialogue)
“So, we want to remind you, especially those of you who are yet to vote in this historic referendum, that there IS a way forward.
“It is as simple as accepting the invitation extended to all Australians through the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
“The Uluru Statement was borne from the dedication and determination of our old people to create a more positive future – for ALL of us. For our children, for our communities, for future generations.
“We are asking for a very simple change: a Voice to Parliament - an advisory body through which our people can have a say on matters that affect them.
“The Voice will NOT give First Nations People the power to make laws. We won’t be given the power to spend money. We won’t be able to take things from other people in the community.
“But what it WILL do is help First Nations People overcome the challenges that are unique to our communities.
“And it will recognise the remarkable fact Australia is home to the oldest continuous culture on the planet - our 65,000-year connection to this land.
“There is so much to be hopeful about. So many reasons to feel positive. So much to look forward to.
“It all starts with a simple word. It starts with a YES. We ask you to consider that when you walk into the polling booth on Saturday.
“When you take your ballot paper and pencil into the ballot box, I urge you to remember you are doing something incredibly powerful.
“You are holding the power to change this country for the better.
“It starts with the simple word: YES.
“YES to hope. YES to unity. YES to a positive path forward – for all of us.
“History is calling.”